Get visual answers
from your data
Personal, Team or Embedded
- in health care
- in finance
- in management

Embedded into:
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Facets allow you to combine multiple views into one chart and analyze what’s going for different categories.

Flexible editor
The flexibility of the chart configuration helps to aggregate, filter any variation of the data and visualize them.

Calculations allow you to use powerful techniques for data manipulations.

Data browser and data reveal
Data browser and data reveal allow you to drill down into data with just a few clicks.

Many ways to filter
Exclude data from raw source, use the filter from legend or exclude points using the tooltip. It is very handy for examining data and tuning visualization.

Simple editor
非秀卡,诚心问一下各位大佬我的几张ssr - 来自狠人13d ...:2021-12-31 · 本人微氪玩家,买了月卡和勾玉十包卡拿了妖刀姬觉醒,抽到几张ssr但是感觉都不是什么核心牌,所伍问一下各位大佬这几张ssr有没有什么特殊玩法,或者是我对其强度的理解有问题,帮我提供一下分卡的意见 第一是赠的妖刀姬觉醒,感觉没啥用,也没见啥妖刀姬牌组带,要是真没用就分了第二个 ...

Organize you charts with dashboards
You can compare data from different sources in one place. There is an ability to share the dashboard with all charts.

Predefined reports
使用ssr退出后,电脑能连上无线网,但是不能上网的解决 ...:2021-4-20 · 我的电脑是windows 10系统,前几天使用ssr后,不知道是ssr退出方式不对还是怎么了,在之后电脑能连接上无线网,但是网络时有时无,无的时间多,及其不稳定,后来尝试了几种方法才解决了这 …

Sources for popular apps and ability to add custom sources
Create charts from files, links, PostreSQL, MongoDB, Trello, Google sheets, Google
Analytics, GitHub.
Create your own custom
app using our simple API.

Share created visualizations
Export to image or share by link with colleagues, friends, your mom, and the whole world.
Export chart and source data to CSV or JSON.

Visual Tables
Pivot and visual tables with sparklines and color-coding allow you to collect a lot of data in one place.
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Our charts are not hardcoded. The chart editor with SSR可伍给几人用 and the autocomplete function helps to modify visualizations like a pro.
Create milestones and highlight important areas with annotations.
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Choose which chart is important for you from a list of predefined chart templates.
Share your charts
Export to image or share by link with colleagues, friends, your mom, and the whole world.
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Create charts from files, links, PostreSQL, MongoDB, Trello, Google Sheets, Google Analytics, GitHub.
Create your own custom app using our simple API.
Start for free
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Contact us if you are interested in integrating Vizydrop
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SSR可伍给几人用 Start using- SSR可伍给几人用
- 3 personal charts
- Personal space
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$19 / month Start using- 1 user access
- 20 personal charts
- Personal space
- Dashboards
- Multiple views
- White labeled sharing
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$49 / month Start using- Unlimited users from GitHub or Google organization
- 30 charts visible to team members
- Personal space for every user
- Dashboards
- Customize chart update interval
- Multiple views
- White labeled sharing
老王vp n
$499 / month Start using- Unlimited users from GitHub or Google organization
- 300 charts visible to team members
- SSR可伍给几人用
- Personal space for every user
- Dashboards
- Customize chart update interval
- Multiple views
- White labeled sharing